Become a World-Class Engineer,
Even If You're Starting From Scratch! Want to grow alongside some of the world's top technicians?

Make Big Steps Forward
Even if you have no experience, we provide a robust support system and a conducive learning environment. All you need is passion and a desire to improve. Please apply.

For details on certification assistance, allowances, incentive bonuses, and leave, please check our application site. (ONLY JAPANESE)

Apply Here
(Japanese text only)
In any environment, we aim to be the source of knowledge and experience that produces services with high added value and satisfaction.
At Root Riff, given the current issues of declining birthrates and aging population, diversification of skills required for human resources, and globalization of talent, we strive to provide services that satisfy our customers. We aim to be the foundation (root) where every employee becomes a valuable asset in the market, always dedicating ourselves to continuous effort and study.

Root Riff Systems, Inc. is a team of experts supporting IT infrastructure for our clients with world-class technical capabilities, led by the world's first "8xCCIE&CCDE."

Thinking you can't join unless you have high technical skills because it's a company founded by the world's first 8xCCIE&CCDE holder?

Work Together

No, it's not mandatory at this point.
What's most important is the
continuous effort to enhance one's value,
and that's what we believe in.

Work Together1 Embrace new technologies and changes without fear. Work Together2 Have a strong and unwavering core. Work Together3 Continuously refine the source of self-benefit.

We are a team that embodies the
"spirit of challenge"and"strong desire to learn."
We want to work with those who feel comfortable in such an environment.

Supporting Your Hard Work to the Fullest!


Root Riff Systems, Inc. fully supports employees who aim to become world-class engineers and possess a "spirit of challenge" and a "strong desire to learn."

Comprehensive Learning Infrastructure
We have a wealth of training materials, technical and business books, virtualized Lab environments, and real-machine Lab environments. Employees can freely access the tools they need to improve their skills.
Certification Assistance Program
We actively support our engineers in obtaining certifications. The company will cover part of the costs for exams like the CCIE LAB exam and Cisco written exams. Additionally, when you achieve a certification, you'll receive a "Certification Incentive" based on your achievement.
Home Study Lab Lending System
For those who want to set up a real-machine environment at home for studying for certifications, the company will cover the costs of the equipment you purchase and lend it to you. By covering these costs, we support the financial aspects of obtaining certifications.
Employee-Centric Working Environment
In addition to regular holidays, we have various leave systems in place, emphasizing creating an environment where employees can easily maintain a work-life balance.
Examples of Leave: Paid leave, sick leave, study leave, birthday leave, etc.

Comprehensive Engineer
Training System
No Experience? No Problem!


01 Real-time support for daily tasks through teamwork.
We have systems and structures in place to support tasks in real-time, even remotely. This accelerates growth as an engineer by supporting technical questions that arise in daily tasks.
02 Various certification support systems.
We provide various certification support systems, ensuring an environment where engineers can always aim higher.
03 Skill-up training.
We conduct in-house training aimed at skill improvement, such as CCNA→CCNP, CCNP→CCIE, and Career up training.
04 Training in an in-house lab environment.
We conduct training using real machines in a lab environment, covering topics like NW basics, OSPF, BGP, ACI, etc.

Voices of Senior Employees


Masuo Kiyoshi

Masuo Kiyoshi
(Joined in May 2023)

Network Architecture
Solutions Group

Respecting individual pace and providing thorough support!
Aim to excel as an engineer
I felt the need to improve my skills and was considering a career change when I learned about Root Riff. During the interview, I was impressed by their commitment to train employees to achieve new skills and their serious attitude towards suggestions from staff, which led me to join the company.
Given that our CEO holds the highly challenging “8 x CCIE & CCDE” certifications, one might think that the company is strict about certification requirements. However, this is not the case at all. Education is provided in a way that respects individual experience and pace, with both technical and psychological support. I was pleasantly surprised by the level of support after joining the company.
Currently, I am involved in an IT infrastructure project, handling network and security areas. Working on large-scale projects that I could not experience in rural areas makes my days fulfilling as an engineer. I also find great satisfaction and happiness in training young talents, akin to watering plants and watching them bloom beautifully.
My future goal is to become an expert engineer who possesses information that cannot be found through searches. I want to continue honing my skills by keeping up with new technologies.
Root Riff provides a paradise-like environment for motivated individuals to take on challenges eagerly. I encourage both inexperienced and experienced individuals to join with confidence.
Kawabata Yusuke

Kawabata Yusuke
(Joined in April 2023)

Network Architecture
Solutions Division 2,
Technical Unit 4

A place where you can acquire advanced technical skills from an inexperienced graduate!
I want to be a “breakwater” that gives members peace of mind
I was attracted to Root Riff’s technical strength and the evaluation system that balances certification and practical work, which led me to join. I was surprised to find that not only the CEO, who holds many high-level certifications, but also all employees have extensive knowledge and experience. During work and casual conversations, I constantly learn new knowledge and information that I didn’t know.
If I don’t understand something, I can easily ask questions and get advice from the CEO and senior staff, which is very helpful.
Additionally, the company covers the full cost of certification exams, allowing me to focus on studying without financial or psychological worries.
Currently, I am responsible for detailed network design and testing, handling security, servers, and other vendors’ equipment. Since I have always enjoyed understanding systems since my student days, I am happy to gain a broad range of knowledge and understand how things work.
In the future, I want to be like my supervisor, trusted by customers and giving team members peace of mind knowing that I am there for them.
As a new graduate with no experience, I feel a sense of accomplishment and growth through the synergistic effects of studying for certifications and practical work. Root Riff is recommended for those who want to acquire solid technical skills and enhance their value as engineers.
Okada Shohei

Shohei Okada
(Joined August 2021)

Network Architecture,
Solutions Division

Contribute to organizational expansion while leveraging my skills.
Aim for career advancement beyond the engineer frame!
The reason I joined was that I received a direct offer from the CEO, who was aiming for organizational expansion. I was also focusing on SNS operations besides being an engineer, so I thought I could gain valuable experience that I couldn't get in a regular company by utilizing my specialized skills.
What I find rewarding now is contributing to organizational creation and increasing sales. For organizational creation, I regularly hold online study sessions for external purposes, and I'm active in increasing the number of people interested in our company. For internal purposes, I support employees by preparing in-house facilities for solid learning and creating training materials.
Regarding sales, I find it rewarding to go out for sales with the sales team and increase the numbers. My future goal is to expand the company to a scale of 100 people. Personally, I want to be more deeply involved in recruitment, technical training, organizational creation, and project acquisition beyond the engineer frame.
Root Riff has many projects where you can improve your skills, and many people are passionate about their work. Both human and technical support systems are well-established, making it an ideal environment for those who genuinely want to grow.
Yonekawa Chihiro

Chihiro Yonekawa
(Joined December 2020)

Network Architecture,
Solutions Division

Even in the IT industry with no experience, you can advance your career with our unique support system. I learned about English in college, but I was interested in the IT industry.
While researching, I learned about the "CCIE 8-title & CCDE" of the CEO of Root Riff. I was inspired to work under someone with such high-level certifications worldwide and decided to join. What surprised me after joining was the comprehensive support system for certification.
There are "study leaves," virtualized Labs, and the company even covers the costs of equipment for home study. There's also an incentive when you obtain a certification, which is motivating. There are many seniors with certifications, and it's comforting to know that I can consult them anytime. Currently, I'm involved in verifying and inspecting large-scale carrier networks. It's a responsible job where mistakes are not allowed, but it's motivating when customers are pleased.
In the future, I aim to obtain certifications and also get involved in training new employees. I also want to utilize my English skills in business dealings with foreigners. For those with ambition and a desire to skill up, Root Riff is the ideal company.
Japanese text only
Make Big Steps Forward
Even if you have no experience, we provide a robust support system and a conducive learning environment. All you need is passion and a desire to improve. Please apply.

For details on certification assistance, allowances, incentive bonuses, and leave, please check our application site.

Apply Here
(Japanese text only)